Religious Places

Religion is a way of life here which forms an integral part of the entire Indian tradition.

30 May 2012

Medaram: Largest Tribal Religious Congregation in the World

Medaram: Sammakka Sarakka Jathara 2012 వరంగల్లు జిల్లా కేంద్రము నుండి 110 కిలోమీటర్ల దూరములో తాడ్వాయి మండలములో ఉన్న మారుమూల అటవీ ప్రాంతమైన మేడారంలో దట్టమైన అడవులు, కొండ కోనల మధ్య ఈ చారిత్రాత్మకమైన ఈ జాతర జరుగుతుంది. సమస్తగిరిజనుల సమారాధ్య దేవతలు, కస్టాలను కడతేర్చే కలియుగ దైవాలుగా, ఆపదలో ఉన్నవారిని ఆదుకునే ఆపధ్భాందవులుగా, యావదాంద్ర దేశములోనే గాక అఖిల భారత దేశములోనే వనదేవతులుగా పూజలందుకుంటున్నారు మన సమ్మక్క-సారక్క.    ...

29 May 2012

One and only handmade Wacky Car museum in the World is located in Hyderabad

Sudha Cars Museum is the first and only handmade Wacky Car museum in the World. It is the brainchild of Mr. K. Sudhakar, a Guinness World Record Holder for making the Largest Tricycle in theWorld.  Mr. Sudhakar, got hooked on to this hobby right from his school days. At the age of 14 he first designed a bicycle and the very next year at the age of 15 he made his first ‘Easy Rider Motorbike’. He tried his hands on a four-wheeler when...

28 May 2012

Nature Tea Museum in India...........

Munnar is very famous for its tea plantations. The museum was established to conserve the heritage and to exhibit the interesting features on the genesis and growth of tea plantations in Kerala. The Museum houses items, photographs and machineries that narrate about the origin and growth of tea plantations in Munnar. The museum is located at the Nallathanni Estate of  Tata Tea in Munnar and is worth visiting. Want to taste delicious...

23 May 2012

Drive-in beach in Kerala(Muzhappilangad Beach)

The Muzhappilangad Beach is the only drive-in beach in Kerala where one can drive down to the beach on the way that is almost 4 km. It is an amazing experience to drive down near the water. The beach has been mentioned in the world tourism map. Tsunhe unpaved road going through the coconut trees leading to the beach will be one of the most beautiful experiences in one s visit. Strong black rocks all around the beach act as protectors for the beach...

21 May 2012

How To Avoid Nausea And Vomiting While Travelling?

Suffering from nausea and travel sickness is not new. I for one have always taken care of this while traveling in mountains. The curvy roads make me nervy, within half an hour of entering the steep bends, winding, up and down roads… I am ready to feel miserable and till I do not vomit am bound to make others life miserable too. Once I am in that state I start getting advice from all quarters of people traveling with me. Be it traveling by bus (always make sure to take the window seat) or a/c driven cars or flights I am bound to vomit at least...

Holi Hai......

Festivals of India are the USP of this ancient and diverse nation.  The concepts of these festivals are so universal, unique and time stretched that they catch the imagination of people of all ages and all walks of life.  Holi is one of such festivals of India that has more than one reason for celebration. Children enjoy as it provides chance for limitless pranks of throwing colored water and application of varied colours on any one they come across.  And the best part is that cursing is considered as a blessing on this day. ...